Amiga Plus 2004 #2
Amiga Plus CD - 2004 - No. 02.iso
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Text File
336 lines
" ---------------------------------------------------- "
" Painter Class implements simple graphics primitives "
" ---------------------------------------------------- "
Class Painter :Glyph
! ownerWindow private fPen bPen oPen drawMode linePattern x y !
setAPen: pen
<primitive 200 0 ownerWindow pen>.
fPen <- pen
setBPen: pen
<primitive 200 1 ownerWindow pen>.
bPen <- pen
setOPen: pen
<primitive 200 2 ownerWindow pen>.
oPen <- pen
setDrawMode: mode
<primitive 200 3 ownerWindow mode>.
drawMode <- mode
setLinePattern: newPatternMask
<primitive 200 21 ownerWindow newPatternMask>.
linePattern <- newPatternMask
^ fPen @ bPen
^ oPen
^ drawMode
^ x @ y
^ ownerWindow
movePenTo: newPoint
<primitive 200 4 ownerWindow (newPoint x) (newPoint y)>.
x <- newPoint x.
y <- newPoint y
drawTo: aPoint
<primitive 200 5 ownerWindow (aPoint x) (aPoint y)>.
x <- aPoint x.
y <- aPoint y
drawLineFrom: fPoint to: tPoint ! xt yt !
xt <- tPoint x.
yt <- tPoint y.
<primitive 200 6 ownerWindow (fPoint x) (fPoint y) xt yt>
drawBoxFrom: fPoint to: tPoint
<primitive 200 7 ownerWindow (fPoint x) (fPoint y) (tPoint x) (tPoint y)>
drawCircle: cPoint radius: r
<primitive 200 8 ownerWindow (cPoint x) (cPoint y) r>
drawEllipse: cPoint minaxis: a maxaxis: b
<primitive 200 9 ownerWindow (cPoint x) (cPoint y) a b>
drawPolygon: borderObj " borderObjects are NOT necessarily Polygons! "
<primitive 200 10 ownerWindow borderObj>
"or <primitive 187 6 ownerWindow borderObj>"
drawPixelAt: aPoint
<primitive 200 11 ownerWindow (aPoint x) (aPoint y)>.
x <- aPoint x.
y <- aPoint y
drawText: text at: aPoint " Sorry, no font control for this "
<primitive 200 19 ownerWindow text (aPoint x ) (aPoint y)>
initializeArea: numPoints tmpXSize: xSize tmpYSize: ySize
" You MUST use this method BEFORE using any of the Area/Filled methods
* down to disposeArea:y: (which MUST be used after you're done
* with the Area/Filled method(s). x & y should specify the dimensions
* of the largest rectangular area that will be drawn:
^ private <- <primitive 200 33 ownerWindow numPoints xSize ySize>
drawFilledEllipse: cPoint minaxis: a maxaxis: b
^ <primitive 200 25 ownerWindow (cPoint x) (cPoint y) a b>
drawFilledCircle: cPoint radius: r
^ <primitive 200 26 ownerWindow (cPoint x) (cPoint y) r>
areaMoveTo: newPoint
" same as movePenTo: method, only for Area/Filled methods "
<primitive 200 27 ownerWindow (newPoint x) (newPoint y)>.
x <- newPoint x.
y <- newPoint y
areaDrawTo: aPoint
" same as drawTo: method, only for Area/Filled methods "
<primitive 200 28 ownerWindow (aPoint x) (aPoint y)>.
x <- aPoint x.
y <- aPoint y
drawFilledBoxFrom: fPoint to: tPoint
" This uses the RectFill() function: "
<primitive 200 29 ownerWindow (fPoint x) (fPoint y) (tPoint x) (tPoint y)>
floodFill: mode at: aPoint
" If mode is 0 (outline mode), every pixel surrounding aPoint that is
* NOT the outline Pen color will be changed to the flood Pen color (or
* flood pattern). If the mode is 1 (color mode), whatever the color is
* at aPoint and all surrounding pixels of the same color will be flood-
* filled. Returns true or false:
^ <primitive 200 30 ownerWindow mode (aPoint x) (aPoint y)>.
" Complete the Area/Filled polygons. Use this after
* areaDrawTo:, drawFilledEllipse:minaxis:maxaxis:,
* & drawFilledCircle:radius: only
^ <primitive 200 31 ownerWindow>
setAreaPattern: patternWords size: size
" patternWords is a ByteArray that is divisible by two. Each pair of
* bytes in patternWords is interpreted as a UWORD value.
* size is a power of two, indicating how tall the pattern is,
* which means that the number of elements in patternWords must
* be 2 * 2 ^ size.
* (example: 0 = two ByteArray elements (1 line),
* 1 = four elements (2 lines),
* 2 = 4 lines, 3 = 8 lines, 4 = 16, etc). No checking is done,
* so get it right (or write your own method!).
<primitive 200 32 ownerWindow patternWords size>
" Part of the Area/Filled methods (turn off outlining areas). "
<primitive 200 35 ownerWindow>
" Part of the Area/Filled methods (turn on outlining areas). "
<primitive 200 36 ownerWindow>
disposeArea: xSize y: ySize
" xSize & ySize MUST be the same dimensions that were used in the
* initializeArea:tmpXSize:tmpYSize: method:
<primitive 200 34 ownerWindow private xSize ySize>
new: newOwnerWindow
ownerWindow <- newOwnerWindow.
^ self
" Image Class implements Image graphics primitives "
Class Image :Glyph ! private ownerWindow !
^ ownerWindow
getStartPoint ! left top !
left <- <primitive 200 14 ownerWindow 0 private>.
top <- <primitive 200 14 ownerWindow 1 private>.
^ left @ top
getImageSize ! width height !
width <- <primitive 200 14 ownerWindow 2 private>.
height <- <primitive 200 14 ownerWindow 3 private>.
^ width @ height
setOrigin: aPoint ! x y !
x <- aPoint x.
y <- aPoint y.
<primitive 200 15 ownerWindow 0 x private>.
<primitive 200 15 ownerWindow 1 y private>
setExtent: sizePoint ! w h !
w <- sizePoint x.
h <- sizePoint y.
<primitive 200 15 ownerWindow 2 w private>.
<primitive 200 15 ownerWindow 3 h private>
setImageDepth: d
<primitive 200 15 ownerWindow 4 d private>
drawImageAt: aPoint
<primitive 200 16 ownerWindow (aPoint x) (aPoint y) private>
drawImageAt: aPoint inState: state
" Valid values for state are:
* 0 = IDS_NORMAL: // like drawImageAt:
* 1 = IDS_SELECTED: // represents the 'selected state' of a Gadget
* 2 = IDS_DISABLED: // the 'ghosted state' of a gadget
* 3 = IDS_BUSY: // for future functionality
* 4 = IDS_INDETERMINATE: // for future functionality
* 5 = IDS_INACTIVENORMAL: // for gadgets in window border
* 6 = IDS_INACTIVESELECTED: // for gadgets in window border
* 7 = IDS_INACTIVEDISABLED: // for gadgets in window border
* 8 = IDS_SELECTEDDISABLED: // disabled and selected
<primitive 200 22 ownerWindow private state (aPoint x) (aPoint y)>
setImageDataFrom: imageFile
<primitive 200 17 ownerWindow imageFile private>
saveImageIn: imageFile
" true indicates that the Image was saved: "
^ <primitive 200 18 ownerWindow imageFile private>
^ <primitive 200 14 ownerWindow 4 private>
^ <primitive 200 14 ownerWindow 6 private>
^ <primitive 200 14 ownerWindow 7 private>
^ <primitive 200 14 ownerWindow 8 private>
setImagePlanePick: pp
<primitive 200 15 ownerWindow 6 pp private>
setImagePlaneOnOff: po
<primitive 200 15 ownerWindow 7 po private>
setNextImage: newNextImage
<primitive 200 15 ownerWindow 8 newNextImage private>
grabImageFrom: windowObj startPoint: s endPoint: e ! x1 y1 x2 y2 !
x1 <- s x.
y1 <- s y.
x2 <- e x.
y2 <- e y.
^ <primitive 200 20 windowObj x1 y1 x2 y2 private>
pointInImage: testPoint
^ <primitive 200 23 private (testPoint x) (testPoint y)>
registerTo: newWindowObject
ownerWindow <- newWindowObject
addImage: width height: h depth: d
private <- <primitive 200 13 ownerWindow width h d>.
^ self
eraseImageStartingAt: aPoint
<primitive 200 24 ownerWindow private (aPoint x) (aPoint y)>
<primitive 200 12 private>.
^ nil